Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the act of promoting and selling products and services by leveraging online marketing tactics such as social media marketing, search marketing, and email marketing.

Let's get down to it, digital marketing is simply marketing. It's how today's businesses are getting their message in front of their best prospects and customers. Today, your customers are online: hanging out in social media, staying updated on news sites and blogs, and searching online when they have a need.Digital marketing puts you in those same channels, so your best prospects can see you, learn more about you, and even ask questions to learn more about you and your products or services.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO refers to the process of growing your online visibility in non-paid (organic) search engine results.

SERPs or search engine results pages appear to users after they search for a given set of keywords using a search engine like Google or Bing. Each user receives an individualized results page based on keywords, the user’s location at the time of searching, and their browsing history. Organic search results appear in a list and are ranked using the search engine’s algorithm. As users change the way they search and engage with online content, these algorithms change. The higher you rank on a SERP, the more traffic is directed to your site and the more chances of making a passive visitor an active customer.

What is Direct mail marketing?

Direct mail marketing is any physical correspondence you send to customers in the hopes of getting them to patronize your business.

One survey showed that direct mail campaigns actually had a higher ROI than both paid search and online display ads. Direct mail is interactive-customers physically handle mail and usually look at it before deciding whether to keep it, direct mail can help get more eyes on your marketing. It’s memorable-Getting letters in the mail can evoke nostalgia about the times friends or family has sent you mail. If you’d like to spark a more emotional response in the recipient, consider adding a personalized touch like a handwritten note or signature.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service.

Social media marketing gives you increased exposure. It allows you to connect with your consumers in a more intimate way. From this interaction, you can gain valuable customer feedback that allows you to improve your customer service, product, or service. Using social media marketing you’ll gain more reach when you post quality content. Everything you do to increase traffic or business on your social media channels is social media marketing. Whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or LinkedIn these efforts all amount to social media marketing.

What is E-Mail Marketing?

Email marketing allows you to update your email subscribers on a regular basis about your company.

Your email updates provide value to your consumer. As a result, you build brand trust and brand loyalty. The best email marketing campaigns involve a list of subscribers earned by your content and company, not paid for by your company. People who opt-in to your email subscription prove more likely to become active buyers.

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What Are the Benefits of Digital Marketing?

It will make it easier to create awareness and engagement both before and after the sale. It will help you convert new buyers into rabid fans who buy more (and more often.) It will kickstart word-of-mouth and social sharing—and all the benefits that come with them. It will shorten the buyer's journey by presenting the right offers at the right time